Transitional Urology
Specially Trained Urologists Collaborate for Seamless Care of Congenital Urologic Conditions among Teens as they Transition to Adulthood
Dr. Osterberg and Katie Wang, MD from Children’s Urology will collaborate on your specific needs as teens and young adults grow with congenital urologic conditions.
Some pediatric urology conditions need to be monitored throughout adulthood to maximize health and well-being. However, continuity of care is often interrupted due to the inability to find a urologist to care for complex pediatric urology conditions in adults. Our program is designed to provide seamless care for transitioning patients to ensure healthy outcomes.
Conditions We Treat
Below are some common pediatric urologic conditions that often require long-term follow-up:
Spina bifida
Neurogenic bladder or bowel
Hypospadias or epispadias
Bladder exstrophy or cloacal anomalies
Intersex or disorders of sex development
Infertility and sexual disorders associated with pediatric urological conditions
Vesicoureteral reflux and renal insufficiency
Prune belly syndrome
Posterior urethral valves and urinary incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence
Bladder chemodenervation
Sacral neuromodulation
Urologic cancers diagnosed in childhood
Dr. Osterberg and Dr. Wang form your Transitional Urology Care Team
How Does it Work?
Patients who are nearing adulthood and/or are teenagers looking to transition their urologic care from their pediatric urologist to an adult reconstruction urologist - this collaborative care team is right for you!
Pediatric patients who are deemed ready to transition by their pediatric urologist(s) are eligible.
Dr Osterberg will see patients who are ready for transitioning at his Urology Austin Radam Lane Location. Dr. Wang and Dr. Osterberg will discuss your history prior to your visit to provide a seamless transition.