Enlarged Prostate: BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
What is BPH?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is a condition in which the prostate enlarges as men get older. BPH is a very common condition that affects over 40 million Americans and over 500 million aging men worldwide. Over 40% of men in their 50s and over 70% of men in their 60s have BPH.
While BPH is a benign condition and unrelated to prostate cancer, it can greatly affect a man’s quality of life.
As the prostate enlarges, it presses on and blocks the urethra, causing bothersome urinary symptoms such as:
• Frequent need to urinate both day and night
• Weak or slow urinary stream
• A sense that you cannot completely empty your bladder
• Difficulty or delay in starting urination
• Urgent feeling of needing to urinate
• A urinary stream that stops and starts
If you suffer from the above symptoms, you are not alone. BPH is the leading reason men visit a urologist.
Symptom Questionnaire Score
You can measure the severity of your BPH-related symptoms by taking a 2 minute questionnaire here
If your answers totaled over 8 points - you may have enlarged prostate.
UroLift Treatment System
Treatment with the UroLift® System uses a minimally invasive approach that provides rapid relief and recovery of BPH symptoms.
It is an earlier treatment option that can get men off BPH medications and avoid major surgery.
The goal of the UroLift System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and resume your daily activities.
The UroLift® System treatment has demonstrated a significant improvement in quality of life for patients that is greater than reported for medications.
The UroLift® System is the only BPH procedure shown not to cause new and lasting erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction, while being a safe and effective treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH.
How Does the UroLift Work
The UroLift® System uses a revolutionary approach to treating BPH that lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue so it no longer blocks the urethra. It is the only available BPH treatment performed by a urologist that does not require heating, cutting, or removal of the prostate tissue. The procedure is typically performed using local anesthesia in a physician’s office or ambulatory surgery center. Patients typically return home the same day without a catheter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a good candidate for the UroLift® System treatment?
You may be a good candidate if you are a male, 45 years of age or older, and have symptoms relating to BPH. Speak with your urologist to see if the UroLift® System treatment is right for you. If you have a known allergy to nickel, titanium or stainless steel, talk to your doctor about your allergy before getting a UroLift System treatment.
What should I expect during the treatment? Is it painful? How long does it take?
If you and your doctor decide that the UroLift® System treatment is right for you, your doctor will provide you with more detailed information relating to the treatment. In general, the UroLift System is a minimally invasive treatment that entails minimal downtime. Your doctor will use the UroLift Delivery Device to deploy permanent implants to relieve obstruction caused by the enlarged prostate that is pressing on your urethra. The procedure, which usually takes about 15 minutes, may be performed under local or general anesthesia and you may be given medication to feel comfortable during the treatment. This typically helps minimize discomfort during the procedure, though everyone’s definition for pain and discomfort varies greatly. Typically, no catheter and no overnight stay is required post-treatment.
What happens post-treatment, during the recovery period? Are meds required?
After the treatment, patients typically go home the same day without a catheter. There is minimal downtime posttreatment and many patients experience symptom relief in as early as 2 weeks. Patients may experience some urinary discomfort during the recovery period. Most common side effects are mild to moderate and include pain or burning with urination, blood in the urine, pelvic pain, urgent need to urinate and/or the inability to control the urge. Most symptoms resolved within two to four weeks after the procedure.
Does the treatment affect my sexual function?
Clinical studies have shown the UroLift® System treatment does not cause new, sustained instances of erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction. The same cannot always be said of other BPH therapies such as TURP, laser, and even medication.
Does my insurance cover the treatment?
The UroLift® System treatment is covered by Medicare and all major private insurers. Contact your insurance provider for your specific coverage information.
HYDROS Aquablation
Hydros Aquablation refers to a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH) by utilizing a robotic system called "Hydros" which precisely targets and removes excess prostate tissue with a high-pressure water jet, guided by real-time ultrasound imaging; essentially, it's a highly accurate, robotic-assisted method of "Aquablation" therapy for BPH treatment, where "Aqua" signifies the use of a water jet and "ablation" means tissue destruction
How does Aquablation work?
Real-time ultrasound guidance:
A cystoscope with ultrasound capabilities provides a detailed view of the prostate, allowing the surgeon to precisely identify the tissue that needs to be removed.
Robotic precision:
The system uses robotic technology to accurately follow the planned treatment path, ensuring consistent and precise tissue removal.
Heat-free waterjet:
Unlike some other prostate treatments, Aquablation uses a high-velocity water jet that does not generate heat, potentially reducing the risk of complications.
Personalized treatment plan:
Based on the ultrasound imaging, the surgeon can create a customized treatment plan to target the specific areas of the prostate causing urinary obstruction.
Hydros Aquablation system uses real time ultrasound guidance and a high pressure water jet to remove prostate tissue.
Benefits of Aquablation
The robotic system allows for highly targeted tissue removal, minimizing damage to nearby structures like nerves responsible for erectile function.
Minimal invasiveness:
No incisions are required, as the procedure is performed through the urethra, leading to a faster recovery and less post-operative pain.
Lower risk of side effects:
Due to the heat-free water jet technology, Aquablation is associated with a lower risk of complications like bleeding and sexual dysfunction compared to other methods.
Effective for large prostates:
Aquablation can be used to treat larger prostates that might be challenging with other techniques.
Improved quality of life:
Patients often experience significant improvement in urinary symptoms like frequent urination and difficulty starting urination after Aquablation.
Data on Aquablation
Improved symptom scores:
Studies consistently show a larger reduction in IPSS scores with Aquablation compared to TURP, indicating
greater symptom improvement in patients with BPH.
Better urinary flow:
Aquablation leads to a more significant increase in peak urinary flow rate (Qmax) compared to TURP.
Effective for large prostates:
Research suggests Aquablation can be particularly effective for men with large prostates (>50mL), where other treatments might be less successful.
Lower retreatment rate:
Studies indicate a lower rate of needing additional procedures for BPH after Aquablation compared to TURP.
Preserved sexual function:
Aquablation is considered a good option for preserving erectile function due to its precise tissue removal mechanism.